Monday, October 6, 2008

Adult Fantasies

When I was really little I had a handful of fantasies, dreams. Among other things I wanted to canoe around the Amazon, go the moon, go the top of the Eiffel Tower and win a pulitzer.

For the record I have actually been to the top of La Tour Eiffel. Twice. And I highly recommend it.

And I'm adding new dreams to my wish list, deciding others aren't as interesting and discarding them -a severe dislike of heat and humidity has more or less cured me of the urge to paddle up the Amazon river.

Lately, the past six months, I've become prey to a slew of new fantasies. Prior to suddenly arriving formally in the Adult World solely by virtue of graduating from college, these desires would have seemed humdrum or weird to me. Now they are like holy grails, very much sought after.

Chief among them is kitchen space. Specifically counter space.To be able to spread out, not be forced to clean things in the midst of making them simply because there's NO room! A proper and extensive array of kitchen and cooking supplies is a related fantasy. A zester. I know a grater will do just fine, but I want to have a zester as well.

Further fantasizing-

A garbage disposal. And I grew up with one -so I know how cool they are!

An exhaust fan over the stove, no worrying about the smoke detector going off in the middle of cooking dinner. And while we're at it, a fan in the bathroom to minimize the steam from showers.

My own washer and dryer, with NO stairs involved.

One day I shall have these. One day...

1 comment:

Topher said...

I never really understood the purpose of garbage disposals. If it's food it goes in the compost, if it's trash it goes in the trash can. But, I guess living in an apartment will eliminate the possibility of having a compost pile.

I do understand the wonder of counter-space though. It is a beautiful thing.