Sunday, September 28, 2008

If I can make it there I'll make it anywhere

Settled is not the right word, but I'm in New York. I feel very comfortable in my neighborhood but I'm still getting my room in order. The neighborhood is what someone writing a guidebook might call ethnically diverse. In this case it means that I see as many signs in Cyrillic and Hebrew as I do in English and I often catch phrases in other languages on the street. An older gentleman putting out his trash today greeted me in Spanish and I had walked past before I registered it and regretted not responding. The residents of my neighborhood are predominantly older people and families, making it a very safe place to be.

I'm working on the job thing. I start bartending classes tomorrow, thereby fulfilling a dream of mine for the last couple years. Hopefully that's something that will allow me to make money while also pursuing jobs and internships in the arts. I've been sending out applications for internships and some of them I'm really really excited about! I'm not talking about specifics because I don't want to jinx anything or get anyone else's hopes up with mine. But I'm pretty excited.

This is starting to feel like a place where I can be for a while.


Emily said...

Welcome, welcome.

I feel you are actually getting a better New York experience than many people do. The history geek in me is fascinated by the idea of so many sign in your area being in Cyrillic and Hebrew.

So much of New York and its history is wave after wave of immigrant communities. Dutch, English, German, Poles, Italian, African-Americans from the south, Jews, Chinese, HIspanics. Its kinda cool when you think about it.

Good luck on your secretive internships!!

Shawn said...

Come visit me! It's pretty fun here. My flatmate is dying her friend's hair in the kitchen and I'm trying to convince myself to go to sleep. Seriously, sometime this weekend you should come over and we should cook something!